Pave Your Path To College & Career Success Today

Beyond grades and test scores, a young person's commitment to IMPACT is now the single greatest determinant of college, career, and life success.

Learn How To Be Intentional About Your Impact On Others

  • self-awareness and confidence
  • active listening and empathy
  • relationship-building across diverse groups of people


On Your Friends | At Your School | In Your Community | On The World

The Impacter Pathway Course Series guides students in maximizing their potential.
Learn the related skills to walk onto a college campus or stand out at your workplace from Day One.

Anyone Can Graduate.
But Who Will Make An IMPACT?

100% Of Our Blended Learning Classes Include In-Person Coaching & Instruction

Learn from high-quality instructors certified and trained in the science of making an impact.

Work At Your Own Pace

Enjoy the flexibility of asynchronous coursework to work around your own personal schedule.

Develop Your Soft Skills

Work on the suite of non-cognitive skills that help bolster meaningful interpersonal experiences.

Practice New Habits

Add routines to your daily repertoire to maximize your academic, career, and personal goals.

Learn In Small Cohorts

Participate in groups of similarly-aged students to help calibrate your learning amongst peers.

Receive Timely Feedback

Gain powerful insights from certificated coaches  based on data, context, and observation.

Collaborate With Others

Teambuild in real-world settings and learn to bring out the best in yourself and those around you.
Complete Coursework online Or Via Our App

Class Content Is  
Accessible 24/7 
On Any Device

Grow Your Impact From Anywhere And At Any Time.

See Immediate Impacter Results

Write your awesome label here.

BEFORE Unit 1:
Know Thyself

Before this course, many students are unsure about future goals.
Write your awesome label here.

AFTER Unit 1:
Know Thyself

After this unit, lmpacters plan their futures in college and beyond.
Write your awesome label here.

BEFORE Unit 5:
Being On Teams

Before our teambuilding unit, many students don't trust teams.
Write your awesome label here.

AFTER Unit 5:
Being On Teams

After this course, our Impacters become full-fledged collaborators.
Grow Your Impact

Meet Our Coaches

We don't just teach content and strategies, we coach students up and train young people to success.

Klaus Aichelen

Stephanie Lee

Ashley Rodriguez

Mike Park

Victoria Sanchez

Hakeem Coleman

Fernando Álvarez

Browse The Entire Impacter Catalogue

Only 1 In 60 High School Students Are Involved 
In High-Impact Service Opportunities

Discover the many ways to impact the lives of others and make a difference in your very own neighborhood.  Learn how to be targeted in your efforts and maximize your influence.
Explore research-based practices in leadership, self-efficacy, and other non-cognitive areas of study that help young people develop the skills requisite for achieving high-impact outcomes.
Grow your empathy and gain the perspective of walking in the shoes of others as you survey the community around you for any areas of need.  Develop the impact of others with intention.